原装进口改良型苏木素染液(兼具传统Harris和Gills优点) Thermo Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Hematoxylin (7211) Yield results that exceed those of Gill or Harris Hematoxylins with the Thermo Scientific Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Hematoxylin 7211, a uniquely formulated product. 1 pt. (0.47L), 4/cs.
原装进口改良型伊红染液(醇溶性) Thermo Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Eosin-Y (7111) Create an ideal visual contrast to Hematoxylin with the fast-acting Thermo Scientific Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Eosin-Y counterstain. Offers excellent delineation of cytoplasmic components. 1 pt. (0.47L), 4/cs.
原装进口即用型蓝化液(弱碱性) Thermo Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Bluing Reagent (7301)
Ensure crisp nuclear detail with the ready-to-use Thermo Scientific Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Bluing Reagent.
1 gal.(3.8L)/cs.
原装进口即用型分化液Ⅰ Thermo Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Clarifier 1 (7401)
原装进口即用型分化液Ⅱ Thermo Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Clarifier 2 (7402)
Enhance the nuclear definition and clarity of Signature Series hematoxylins with Thermo Scientific Richard-Allan Scientific Signature Series Clarifier 1, 2.
1 gal.(3.8L)/cs.
原装进口经典哈里斯氏Harris苏木素染色液(酸化、退行性) Thermo Shandon Harris Hematoxylin (6765003)
Take advantage of acidified or non-acidified formulations with the Thermo Scientific Shandon Harris Hematoxylin. This product does not employ a mercury-based oxidizing agent, thus removing a possible source of environmental contamination.
原装进口经典伊红染色液(醇溶性) Thermo Shandon Eosin Y Alcoholic Cytoplasmic Counterstain (6766007)
原装进口经典伊红染色液(水溶性) Thermo Shandon Eosin Y Aqueous Cytoplasmic Counterstain (6766009)
Produce brilliant staining with Thermo Scientific Shandon Eosin-Y, a fast-acting cytoplasmic counterstain pH-adjusted for maximum stain uptake.
原装进口组织环保封片剂(不含二甲苯) Thermo Shandon Xylene Substitute Mountant (1900231) Employ all routine xylene-substitute clearing agents with the Thermo Scientific Shandon Xylene Substitute Mountant.
原装进口中性树胶/病理组织标本封片胶(中等粘度)Thermo Richard-Allan Scientific Mounting Medium (4112)
Store slides for prolonged periods of time without fading of stains with Thermo Scientific Richard-Allan Scientific Mounting Medium. This mounting medium is miscible with all clearing agents, including xylene substitutes.
原装进口组织脱蜡剂/环保透明剂(二甲苯替代物) Thermo Citrus Clearing Solvent (8301) Replace xylene in both manual and automated system applications with Thermo Scientific Citrus Clearing Solvent. 1 gal. (3.8L), 4/cs.
原装进口10%中性缓冲液福尔马林 Thermo Richard-Allan Scientific Neutral Buffered Formalin (10%) (5701) Premixed AFIP formulated product reduces exposure to toxic fumes. 1 gal. (3.8L), 4/cs.
Cat. No. |
Description |
7211-Kal |
进口改良型苏木素染液(进行性)Thermo Signature Series Hematoxylin,470ml/瓶,4瓶/箱 |
7111 |
进口改良型伊红染液(醇溶性)Thermo Signature Series Eosin-Y,470ml/瓶,4瓶/箱 |
7301 |
进口即用型蓝化液(弱碱性) Thermo Signature Series Bluing Reagent,3.8L/瓶 |
7401-Kal |
进口即用型分化液Ⅰ Thermo Signature Series Clarifier 1,3.8L/瓶 |
7402-Kal |
进口即用型分化液Ⅱ Thermo Signature Series Clarifier 2,3.8L/瓶 |
6765003 |
进口经典哈里斯氏Harris苏木素染色液(酸化、退行性)Shandon Harris Hematoxylin,1L/瓶,2瓶/箱 |
6766007 |
进口经典伊红染色液(醇溶性)Shandon Eosin Y Alcoholic Cytoplasmic Counterstain,1L/瓶,2瓶/箱 |
6766009 |
进口经典伊红染色液(水溶性)Shandon Eosin Y Aqueous Cytoplasmic Counterstain,1L/瓶,2瓶/箱 |
1900231 |
进口组织环保封片剂(二甲苯替代物封片胶,中等粘度)Thermo Xylene Substitute Mountant,60ml/瓶 |
4112-Kal |
进口中性树胶/封片胶(中等粘度)Thermo Mounting Medium,118ml/瓶,6瓶/箱 |
8301 |
进口组织脱蜡剂/环保透明剂(二甲苯代替品)Thermo Citrus Clearing Solvent,3.8L/瓶,4瓶/箱 |
5701-Kal |
进口10%中性福尔马林固定液Thermo Neutral Buffered Formalin (10%),3.8L/瓶,4瓶/箱 | |