意大利原装进口迪佩思DIAPATH病理切片一次性刀片DIAPATH Microtome Disposable Blades
DIAPATH Diacut 35 Gold blades(05500G 黄金窄刀片), High cutting performance, 50 pcs.
DIAPATH Diacut 35 Ultra blades(05500U 超优窄刀片), Use in routine, good shelf life, 50 pcs.
Disposable blades for rotary and sliding microtome.
High cutting performance.
Excellent sectioning quality.
Made of high quality steel mixture.
Patented film coating that maximises product life and reduces friction and compression on the tissues.
High precision cutting.
Practical manual dispenser that avoids the contact of the operator with cutting surface during extraction.
Diapath S.p.A.- Italy