德国原装进口肖特Schott Duran载玻片/彩色载玻片/粘附载玻片Duran Microscope slides
标准载玻片Duran Standard microscope slides:
These glass slides are available with cut edges and edges ground to 45° and 90° with and without a matt strip.
The matt strip can be labelled.
彩色载玻片Duran Colour microscope slides:
These have one surface with a white, blue or yellow label field. Hence different preparations can be clearly differentiated
by their label. The colour printing of the label field is resistant against all solvents normally used in the laboratory.
90° ground white PRINT microscope slides with rounded corners are ideal for use in automatic machines, as glass
breakages in the cassettes and on the conveyer belts of the machines can then be avoided.
粘附防脱玻片Duran Adhesive microscope slides:
These adhesive microscope slides are provided with additional adhesive to permit the reliable attachment of tissue
section cytological preparations. This removes the need for cost-intensive and time consuming preparation techniques.
Cat.-No. |
description |
b x l |
Pack Quantity |
23 550 11 |
DURAN Microscope slides, cut edges |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 12 |
DURAN Microscope slides, cut edges, frosted end |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 13 |
DURAN Microscope slides, ground edges 45° |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 14 |
DURAN Microscope slides, ground edges 45°, frosted end |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 21 |
DURAN Colored Microscope slides, ground edges 90°, white |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 22 |
DURAN Colored Microscope slides, ground edges 90°, blue |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 23 |
DURAN Colored Microscope slides, ground edges 90°, yellow |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 24 |
DURAN Colored Microscope slides, ground edges 90°, white, PRINT |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 25 |
DURAN Coated Microscope slides, ground edges 90°, white, adhesive |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
23 550 26 |
DURAN Coated Microscope slides, ground edges 90°, white, adhesive++ |
26 x 76mm |
30 x 50 |
DURAN Group GmbH(Germany)